
Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) are persistent links to digital objects. Cambridge University Library (CUL) holds a licence (via a Datacite Consortium membership through the British Library) to assign DOIs to selected, relevant scholarly research outputs ("Research Outputs"). All DOIs assigned by CUL need to be registered, and be compliant with the requirements of the DataCite organisation.

What types of Research Outputs can get a DOI?

CUL will assign DOIs with the Cambridge prefix (CAM) to selected Research Outputs, including journal articles, datasets, theses and working papers. For Research Outputs which already have DOIs, we will not assign a Cambridge DOI to the record.

Modifications to Research Outputs

Modifications to Research Outputs once a DOI has been assigned are allowed. In cases where such modifications involve changing one or more files associated with the record, this will result in a new version being created, and a versioned DOI will be assigned. When changes only involve modifications of the metadata associated with a record, these can be performed on the same version, following DataCite best practice guide (

Take down policy

Content held in the Repository is intended for long-term preservation; however, in some cases items may be withdrawn. Reasons for withdrawal might include, for example:

  • Proven copyright violation or plagiarism
  • Legal requirements
  • National security
  • Falsified research
  • Ethical requirements

Withdrawn items will retain the DOI, and the withdrawal notice will be indicated on the landing page of the Research record in the Repository, but the Research Output itself will not be accessible. More information related to the takedown policy is available from the related policies link.

We reserve the right to act with discretion in cases not covered by this policy, or where circumstances require additional flexibility.

Revision history
Policy version:1
Date of last policy review:
Name of reviewer:
Policy creation date:February 2024
Name of creator:Agustina Martínez García
Date for next review:February 2025
Frequency of reviews:At least annually
Review is the responsibility of:Head of Open Research Systems
Location of policy:
Related policies:Terms of use