
The Diamond Open Access at Cambridge Terms of Use (the Site's Terms of Use) forms the framework that determines how members of the University, and the community of end-users interact with the Site. The Terms of Use cover:

  • The types of content that qualify for deposit into the platform underpinning this site and the means by which they are assessed.
  • The terms under which end-users may access material on this site.
  • Responsibilities of depositors, including ensuring that Research Outputs were generated in accordance with the University's research, integrity and ethics policies.

Purpose of the Diamond Open Access Journals at Cambridge site (“Journals hosting platform”)

Diamond Open Access Journals at Cambridge, situated within Cambridge University Library, offers free, self-managed publishing services to support Diamond Open Access journals created by University of Cambridge academics, staff and students.

https://diamond-oa.lib.cam.ac.uk (the “Site”) is operated by Cambridge University Library of West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DR, United Kingdom (“We”). The software that underpins this Journals hosting platform is DSpace, which is an open-source repository software platform.

What can be deposited into the Journals hosting platform

Only content that has been accepted for publication with the journals hosted in the platform can be deposited. The service that manages the Journals hosting platform is only available to members of or units within the University of Cambridge.

Those depositing content (“Depositors”) must have the authority or permission to do so. The metadata about content hosted in the platform will be made publicly available, in line with the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable). Wherever possible depositors or journal managers will be asked to make their content available open access, allowing for appropriate embargoes, where applicable and necessary.

End user access and use of content deposited into the Journals hosting platform

Content is made available in the site on terms agreed with Depositors so that as an end user you may use the content only if you abide by the licence or other terms under which it has been released, e.g. the terms of a specific Creative Commons Licence.

Unless indicated otherwise, content made publicly available in the Journals hosting platform is protected by copyright with all rights reserved.

To ensure licence compliance and good research practice, content also need to be properly acknowledged, including citing their author/s and full bibliographical details in the suggested form: author/s, publication year, title, URL of content in the platform.

Responsibilities of Depositors

Depositors are responsible for ensuring that any content submitted to the platform was generated in accordance with the University’s Research Policies, the University’s Research Integrity and Ethics guidelines .

Depositors are responsible for the content and the quality of submitted files, including ensuring that if the submission contains material for which the Depositor does not hold copyright, and that exceeds fair dealing permitted by law, the Depositor will have obtained the permission of the copyright owner to grant the University the rights required to make these Research Outputs available by the Repository, and that such third party-owned material is clearly identified and acknowledged within the text or content of the submission.

By submitting their content to the Journals hosting platform, Depositors are offered a choice of licences they may wish to attach to their content and must be willing and able to grant the University the right and licence to preserve and distribute their content via the Journals hosting platform (see the Deposit Licence Agreement Version 1.0).

Responsibilities of Journal Managers

Managers of journals hosted in the platform are responsible for content management workflows from submission, review through to curation and publishing of submitted content.

Journal managers are responsible for ensuring that submitted content have an appropriate metadata description to satisfy FAIR requirements and content discoverability.

Responsibilities of the Journals hosting platform

The Journals hosting platform is responsible for ensuring access and availability of the content hosted in the platform. The Journals hosting platform is managed by the Open Research Systems (ORS) team within Digital Initiatives. The ORS team is also responsible for providing technical and user support.

We are committed to the responsible and sustainable management of the content hosted in the platform and to ensure long-term access to those works. Digital preservation policies and strategies and the technologies employed are shaped and informed by best practice in the field and are reviewed regularly to ensure that they remain current with evolving technologies and institutional practices.

We strive to maintain the availability of hosted works in the platform indefinitely, but for technical, administrative, or legal reasons it may be necessary, and the Journals hosting platform reserves the right, to remove deposits without notice. Upon such an occurrence the metadata record indicating storage of content in the platform may remain visible in perpetuity.

Other applicable terms

To the extent permitted by law, We exclude all conditions, warranties, representations or other terms which may apply to the Site or any content on it, whether express or implied. We will not be liable for any loss or damage, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, even if foreseeable, arising under or in connection with use of, or inability to use the Site, or use of or reliance on any content displayed on the Site, nor for loss of profits, business or revenue, loss of anticipated savings, loss of business opportunity, goodwill or reputation of any indirect or consequential loss or damage. Nothing in these terms of use excludes or limits our liability for death or personal injury arising from our negligence, or our fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation, or any other liability that cannot be excluded or limited by English law.

Where the Site contains links to other sites or resources provided by third parties, We have no control over the content of those sites or resources.

These terms of use, their subject matter and formation are governed by English law and you and We agree that the courts of England and Wales will have non-exclusive jurisdiction in case of disputes or claims.

These terms of use (together with the documents referred to in it) explain the terms on which you may make use of the Site, whether as a guest or a registered user. By using the Site, you confirm that you accept these terms of use and that you agree to comply with them. These terms of use refer to the following additional terms, which also apply to your use of the Site. The Privacy Policy (https://www.lib.cam.ac.uk/privacy-policy) sets out the terms on which any personal data collected from you, or provided by you is processed. By using this Site, you consent to such processing and you warrant that all data provided by you is accurate. The Cookie Policy (https://www.lib.cam.ac.uk/privacy-policy) sets out information about the cookies on this Site. The DOI Policy (https://diamond-oa.lib.cam.ac.uk/info/doi-policy) sets out the terms on which Digital Object Identifiers will be assigned to content deposited to the Journals hosting platform. The Notice and takedown policy (https://diamond-oa.lib.cam.ac.uk/info/notice-takedown) sets out the terms by which you may request material is removed from the platform. These terms of use incorporate all relevant University of Cambridge policies.

Contact details

Email: support@repository.cam.ac.uk
Open Research Systems
Digital Initiatives
Cambridge University Library
West Road
United Kingdom

Revision history
Policy version:1
Policy identifier:
Policy reviewer:Head of Open Research Systems
Policy review date:February 2025
Policy creator:Open Research Systems
Policy creation date:February 2024