Can Acceptance Be Bought? Enhancing Local Social Acceptance of Renewable Energy Projects Through Financial Participation: Insights from Mecklenburg Western Pomerania, Germany

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In the wake of the global energy transition, local opposition towards the installation of renewable energy plants among neighbouring municipalities and residents is an increasingly relevant issue. Economic tools to financially engage residents living close to renewable energy projects are considered one solution to alleviate opposition and foster local social acceptance. However, the effectiveness of such financial participation tools in doing so is yet to be proven. The Citizen and Municipal Participation Law (Bürger- undGemeindenbeteiligungsgesetz) is a policy in the German state of Mecklenburg Western Pomerania which mandates the financial participation of citizens and municipalities. Drawing on this policy, the study at hand seeks to contribute to closing this prevailing empirical research gap. Insights from seven semi-structured interviews with eight experts on this policy from municipalities, project developing companies, and superordinate public bodies in Mecklenburg Western Pomerania are used to shed light on the factors influencing the choice, implementation and success of financial participation tools for increasing local social acceptance towards wind farms. The study thus generates knowledge and recommendations for the effective future design and application of different financial participation tools.



renewable energy, social acceptance, financial involvement, MWP


Gotz, Paulina. "Can Acceptance Be Bought? Enhancing Local Social Acceptance of Renewable Energy Projects Through Financial Participation: Insights from Mecklenburg Western Pomerania, Germany." Cambridge Journal of Climate Research, vol. 1, no. 2, Dec. 2024, pp. 103-126.

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